So I was reading parts of my blog and realized how great it was to have all the memories in one spot. So I'm making a goal to update this thing once per week. You see, Maren's baby book doesn't even have her name in it yet, so I'm hoping this will serve as a point of reference when in 5 years I finally have the time. There probably won't be much pictures as that takes time, but at least I'll have some details.
So, life is hectic. Some days, I feel like I need anti-psychotic drugs to help me survive others I feel like I'm the luckiest girl on earth. The majority are somewhere in between. I'd like to say its all roses, but truth be told, my house is always a mess, I wake up to the smell of poop, most of the time someone is either crying or needing something & I get about 1/2 hour a night to lay on the couch and be lazy with no kids. I worry I'll regret alot of the wonderful things going on because I'm always dealing with the emergencies that one kid has while another is doing something amazing. But lucky for me I have video tape to capture most of it!
On the plus side, the kids keep me smiling all the time (OK well 1/2 the time at least). They talk great now and make me laugh on a daily basis. The triplets like to play puzzles, color, play dough, and they are constantly pulling these plastic yellow dogs around behind them taking them on walks, to target, even sometimes putting them in time out. Maren drives them crazy by messing up their playdoh, throwing their paper in the trash, and stealing their dog. She thinks its hilarious, they flail on the floor, yelling, "noooooooo Marennnnnnnn, moooommmmmmyyyy, helllllppppppp!!!!."
So here is my letter to each of them so I can put it in their baby books later:)
Ella, you are bipolar I think but I hear I was the same way as a child. You are so pretty and your eyes light up when you smile. Sometimes I just stare at you when you talk, thinking how I made something so amazing. You know what you want and insist on it. For instance, if I dare put on sesame street in the morning. You yell, "noooooo I only watch Bernstein Bears or George. mommy you change the channel." If I do, you say thank you:) You are the leader of the pack, telling the other kids what to do in a very nice way most of the time. You laugh with all your belly and tip your head back when you do. You refuse to wear anything in your hair insisting that all ponytails are "too tight." You are beginning to potty train, but so far its been a wreck. Your temper tantrums are second to none, but a quick trip to the playpen and you come back a perfect angel...i.e. the bipolar comment. You are the least clingy of the bunch so I really cherish your out of the blue hugs. I love you.
Claire, right now you are crying that your playdoh isn't working because you have a blue mold and red playdoh. But that's how you are, very precise. In fact, I figure you'll be an engineer as you seem to be able to figure out the intricinties of everything. You by far are the most intellectually advanced child I've ever seen, although emotionally you get very frustrated. You remember everything I say and every morning ask about what I said the prior night. "mommy today grandma is coming and we go to heb to get buddy bucks." You bite your finger nails and toe nails and it drives me insane. You are my 2nd clingliest baby but your really good at it. I don't even have to hold you and you can wrap your arms and legs around my back and hold on like a little koala bear. You love babies and stare at them when they are around. You love your baby maren and always want to hold her even though she is the same size as you. Your the silly ring leader and bring out the laughs in the bunch (right now you are licking your playdoh to make ella & maren laugh). I love you!
Slade, you are still such a sweet little boy but pretty funny too. You like to pretend to be a monster and chase the girls. You tilt your head down, your eyes up and say grrrrr. Sometimes they love it, sometimes they wish you'd go away. You love hugs and kisses and snuggle right up to my neck which i love. Only once since you've started sleeping through the night over 2 years ago have you woken us up. thank you. You love trucks and cars with a passion and still just lay on your belly watching the tires move. You have the best manners and frequently say, "oh I'm sorry," even though it was a different kid who did the deed. You still hate having your diaper change so I really need to potty train you. You just had eye surgery and it went well and its great to have you have both eyes looking at me:) You now love to read and insist on a library in your bed at night. You have temper tantrums a lot too, especially if someone takes something from you. You have this great ability to make your body limp and throw your head, which makes it really hard to calm you. I love you.
Maren your are such an experience and I've really enjoyed it. You have 5 teeth now and use them frequently to bite me. However, afterwards you immediately kiss me and smile. I'm not sure how to punish you but it really hurts. You also hit alot, especially the other kids and they do not like it at all. You do it with a smile and then run. You still have way too many bottles a day but also want to have milk in a cup like the kids. In fact you think you are one of the kids and try to do everything they do. You can already climbing the huge chain ladder to the top of the play scape which is so dangerous but you have to be like them. You are a hugger and a kisser and always want to be held. If I tell you no, you cry like i dropped you on your head. You can say, Ella, Mamma, Dada, Granma, No, yes, more, duck, please, bubbi, and a few more I can't remember. You are definitely copying all we are saying so I'm sure in no time you'll be talking up a storm. I love you marshmallow!