So last night I finally realized how scary this whole pregnancy thing really is. You see whether or not you have three babies or not its really hard to distinguish what a contraction is during your first pregnancy. They say its when your stomach tightens but mostly your stomach always feels tight. Now with triplets it gets even more complex because they push their heads or butts up against the skin making a very hard spot. If two or three do it at the same time you end up with a really hard stomach. Anyways, last night I was having a mix of these head butts and contractions and ended freaking myself out enough that maybe they were all contractions and ended up in Labor & Delivery. Sure enough only the ones that took the wind out of me were actual contractions and the doctor said it was completely normal at this stage in a triplet pregnancy. As long as they didn't come regularly or stronger, no worries. Everything else look really good and we were released within a couple hours. So now I'm going to really try to keep my heart rate under control when these occur and know that it doesn't mean labor is imminent just that there are three foot long babies in my tummy and my body is really confused on what it should do. The good news is I now definitely know the difference between contractions and headbutts so I can stop poking those poor little heads when they come to the surface.
Deep breaths, Lindsay. Lots of deep breaths . . .
ReplyDeleteLove, MOM
You scared me with your post. I'm glad to hear you are home and am cookin' those LO's!
Thanks Dre! Hope you are doing well, we need to catch up.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes mom I am definitly working on breathing, but keep reminding me ok???
Holy crap! You scared me too!! I'm glad everything turned out OK! Now I know who to call when I THINK I have contractions :-)
ReplyDeleteGlad everything turned out okay! It sure is tricky to know what's real and what's not... And don't feel bad, I had many many trips to L&D where they sent me home after just a few hours (and so did many other triplet mommas!). Keep drinking lots of water, and when you think you've had enough and can't drink more - drink more! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Laura! I'm trying to drink water constantly but the drs still want me to drink more. I'm now up to 24oz even while during the night hours when I wake up to flip!
ReplyDeleteOh goodness Lindsay, I had no idea. Glad that all is well and you should now know the difference. I, unfortunately, never felt the first contraction (Braxton Hicks or otherwise) with Ethan so I can't help explain them to others either.