Wow, I don't think I ever quite realized how great our family, friends and complete strangers were until I became pregnant with triplets. We have so many people to thank and are just overwhelmed with gratitude. I will probably miss someone in this post, but know that I appreciate all that everyone has done.
First of all, our families have just gone above and beyond. My mom has not only been a person to vent and talk to, but also the worlds greatest chauffeur. From 1 mile drives to the hairdresser to driving coolers of milk to the NICU in rush hour traffic when I didn't realize we were out, she has done it all. Thank you mom! My sister-in-law Amy has not only brought us dinner and driven me to the hospital several times, but has also been the gatekeeper to arranging everyone else's kindness for us. Thank you Amy! My dad, Brian's mom & step mom, Brian's brother, Brian's dad, Brian's twin sisters, thank you all for your constant support and weekly rides to the NICU, I really appreciate you all! My sister and brother, who constantly check in on me and are there to help me research the scary stuff when I just can't google anymore, thank you! To my sister in law Kate, who made the babies beautiful irreplaceable quilts, thank you so much, they are perfect (see pics below). To all the cousins, aunts and uncles, thank you for your prayers, offers of help and phone calls! Kacey, Charlie, Mom, Amy, Barbara & Marsha, thank you for the dinners you've provided on our exhausting evenings when I couldn't begin to think of what to cook. Finally, thank you grandma Karla for the beautiful crocheted items, they are all gorgeous(see pict)! We love you all!
To our friends, thank you all for your offers of help and your prayers. Jason & Shirl, I haven't talked to either of you in awhile, but you were the first to volunteer rides and I am forever thankful! Shirl, thank you for the wonderful homemade spagetti as well! Thank you for your hospital visits, even those who had to drive from far away (It was great to see you Dominique)! Thank you Danielle for the customized baby hats that will forever be in our home (and the delicious dinner) and to Sara for the first burp cloth you have ever made (see pics below)!
To my internet buddies, you have been a source of constant support and I'm amazed at the friends I've made out of cyberspace. Noo Noo it was so nice to meet you and thank you for the preemie clothes and car seat, Alexander is beautiful! Jen & Dre, you two keep me going when I feel no one else can relate. Wanessa, Heather & Lisa I wish you all the best on your journey and I'm glad we've traveled this path together over the last year or so! Thank you bed rest buddies and my November due date ladies!
To the ladies from the Austin Mom of Multiples, who knew there were so many wonderful parents of twins and triplets that I would befriend in this process! From people who I have yet to meet who have lent us their books on Preemies and given us diapers and hats (thanks Miranda) to ladies who have provided their stories in support like Jean to my triplet mom friends in Buda and Kyle who have brought me supper (Thanks Laura!), given me clothes and answered all of my questions (Thank you Laura & Kaci)! I look forward to getting to know you all better in the near future!
To the people at my work, who have not only been understanding of my situation (thank you Wyona!) but who also have sent well wishes and lavished me in flowers, I thank you! Brent & Carrie, thank you for the dinner and visit, it means a lot! Thank you also to those at Brian's work and for being understanding of the Dr's visits and the time Brian had to be with me in the hospital (thanks Hugh)!
To the nurses and doctors in the NICU who have put up with my questions, anxiety and at times, inability to function, you are wonderful and I owe so much gratitude to you! Tonya, you are awesome and we appreciate all that you do, thank you for being the primary with out trio! Thank you also to my many doctors and nurses, while we didn't make it as far as we all wanted, it could of been a lot worse!
And finally, thank you to all the strangers out there that have posted comments of well wishes and sent me emails and private messages. Its amazing to see that some days this blog has 300+ visits and it really makes me realize that there are so many people out there thinking of us and wishing and praying for the best. We appreciate you all!
Thank you everyone reading this for your support!
Sara gave me the first burp cloth she had ever made!

My sister-in-law, Kate, handmade these gorgeous quilts for our trio!
My friend, Danielle, made these personalized hats for the babies when they come home and minature caps for them to wear while in the NICU!

My grandma crocheted these pretty touques, sweaters and a few other non-pictured items for some of her newest grandkids (she is adding 6 grandkids within a 3 months period)!