So Mr. Slade has been having an increase in apnea's and brady's which is definitely not a step in the right direction. They thought he might of had an infection but his blood work came back good, which we are happy about. They also noticed his stomach was puffy and so they did an xray on it and that too came out perfect. They then began realizing that the small amount

of acid reflux he was having had gotten worse. They were already spreading his food over an hour (the girls eat over 30 min) but that hasn't been helping. So now they are going to start him on antacids for the next 3 days. If this doesn't work they then will push his feeding tube down further past his stomach to the intestine to hopefully combat the problem. As with most things, this sounds worse than it really is. This is an issue he will grow out of by age 1 or 2, but it may slow things down while in the NICU. From what I've read, babies with reflux tend to grow slower due to the inability to digest all their food. So far that's not Slade's case as he grew the most last week at 1/2lb. So we are hopeful these antacids work and he can breath a little easier and grow a little faster!
Ethan had reflux, horribly - was on medicine for it and everything, and he NEVER had an issue with his growth. My big boy has always been in the 90th percentile or higher. So I'm sure Slade will continue to grow and show the girls who's boss!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen, that makes me feel much better! I will definilty be in touch once he comes home to see if you have any tricks!