Thursday, October 22, 2009


All the babies are doing well and getting a little bit more consistent with their bottles. Unfortunately its consistently about 1/2 bottle per feeding rather than an entire bottle per feeding. Claire is still pretty variable from an entire bottle one feeding to 1/8th the next. One of these days they'll catch on....or so they tell me...

Once again Ella & Slade have thrush and are being treated with this blue/purple goo that makes there whole mouths purple. Its very halloweenish. Because they are having a hard time getting rid of this, they have been separated into different cribs rather than the big triplet crib. This way pacifiers and such won't get accidentally shared and the infection spread. Once that is cleared up they will move back in with each other as there are studies that prove the benefits of co-bedding such as increased bonding, more self-sustaining comfort and even developmental benefits.

On another note, their personalities are definitely changing again. Our once "chill" Claire is now our "if you put me down, I'll cry" Claire. Our "easily irritable" Slade is now our "chill" Slade. And Ella, well, she remains our sleepy little girl that varies from one day to the next. I'm guessing this will continue to change for many years to come...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear they have thrush again. Ethan gets it when he's on his cortisteriods for asthma. Hopefully they bounce back quickly and can once again be comfortable roommates!
