It is so great having Slade home. Even though it is tiring getting up multiple times per night, I was already kind of used to that due to the pumping. Brian had his first shot at it this weekend and I think he's glad that he goes back to work tomorrow and thus isn't responsible for any of the night feeds:) I realize however, that I'm going to love weekends more than ever as I get a good stretch of sleep when he takes the 2am shift. Slade seems to be doing well although we do worry sometimes that he isn't eating enough. I know what "dose" of food the girls are on in the hospital and so I try to convince him that he should eat the same amount or more. However, it turns out that he believes he is the boss of this situation and doesn't always agree. He saw the pediatrician the other day and she said he looks good. He's about in the 50th % for a one week old baby (using his adjusted age) although his head is a little bigger (you know all those Peterson/Milligan brains in there!). We will go back in a month to get his 2nd synagis shot for RSV and to make sure he is gaining enough weight. This is a picture of Brian and Slade enjoying their first UT football game together (Thanks Jen for the outfit!)
On another note, this is wayyyyyy harder and extremely more depressing than I thought it would be. Having him home has made me miss the girls more than ever. I didn't realize how much I was missing out on until he came home. I also didn't realize how much they are missing. The nurses are great, but there is no one there to pick them up and cuddle them when they cry and hug them before they go to bed. I'm so anxious to have them home its sometime nauseating. With that said, Ella has been eating so extremely well so I'm predicting that she comes home by Friday. No Dr. or nurse has lead me to this so I may be way off but I just really feel that she is ready, so we'll see!
Oh and if you are planning on visiting the triplets before April, please take a look at this letter to help explain why we will be psycho diligent about hand washing and other precautions. Thanks!
http://www.preemiecare.org/rsvletter.pdfThe girls new casa...
Ella & Auntie Kira (sorry I chopped off your head)

Claire & her Grandpa

Yikes, that RSV stuff sounds scary. I guess its good we are not coming at christmas. Its a little sad Coralie won't get to meet her cousins for two years :( But safety first.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for them to be all home either so I get to hold one the whole time I'm visiting! (granted they're not crying...)
ReplyDeleteI wish I had that RSV letter when we came home from the hospital!
ReplyDeleteSlade is so lucky to have just the two of you for a while before the girls come home. I know how hard it is on you with having the girls still in the NICU. I will be praying that this time goes quickly and that the girls will be home before you know it.
ReplyDeleteIt'll be okay Kate - the first RSV season will be over by the time Kerrville rolls around. Coralie will be safe from it by then too - at least until season 2.