So today we got the go ahead from the pedi to stop our night feeds, HOOOOORAAAAYYY! We have to gradually decrease it but by Tuesday night, we should be getting a shot at 8 hours at least. Slade & Claire are still in the 0% for any age above 6 months but she is confident that they will make up the calories during the day now that they eat 2 meals of solids a day as well. So yipppeee for us, now lets just hope they agree with the new situation!
Here is a picture of the trio with Grandma & Granpa at their new house!

The kids love the new carpet. So far they have only puked on it a couple times, which is why I chose a stale, milky color! Don't know why there is a bucket and mop in the background. Must have caught me in the middle of trying to get all the dust off the floor. It is a work in progress. Finally have a crib so we can have a baby stay the night; however, need curtains - it is awfully bright in there in the daytime.