Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Triplets!

Hooray the triplets are 2!!! We've had an incredible year and its gone by soooo fast compared to the first year. They are doing great and have definitely caught up in development to a normal 2 year old in everything but weight.

Ella - She is the smartest little girl you've ever seen. Even the doctor said she is very very advanced for a 2 year old, much less a preemie. She speaks in full sentences, can count to 13, and can sing the entire song of Happy Birthday. She is definitely our bossy little girl but I think its because she can say so much. Today she said, "no Slade that's mine, go get Claire's," in reference to milk. However, she is also our most helpful, always bringing things to her siblings and helping me clean up. She is now in the 24% for weight and even higher for her height.

Slade - He is developing such a boy personality and is so unique. He frequently dances while glaring at his sisters with an evil grin. He loves to cuddle and is the first one to say, "Up-a" to anyone even strangers:) This boy loves trucks, cars and everything with wheels. Every one he sees is either "Dada's Truck" or "Big Daddy's Truck." He loves his grandpas with a passion! He is still really small not hitting the 1% for weight yet, but his height is in the ballpark with other 2 year olds now. And he is talking more and more everyday. He still doesn't quite finish his words, says, "Daw, instead of Dog," for instance, but is improving everyday!

Claire - She is so freaking hilarious I can barely stand it. She hops like a bunny, tickles Maren, and chases everyone. She loves to hug and kiss and especially likes back tickles. She is starting to speak much better as well although she frequently answers Ella with unrecognisable words (at least to us, Ella seems to understand). She is the bravest of the bunch and likes to tell everyone hello. She is catching up with Ella in size and is now only 10oz behind.

All in all they are the most wonderful triplets we could ask for. Now they are demons now and again, especially when hungry or tired, but we will take the bad for all the good! Its definitely been a tough year having 4 kids under 2, but with my wonderful moms help, Brian's dad's help, Michele's help and many others from the family, we have survived!!!

On another note, Maren is doing wonderful. She was a perfect baby until recently when she started teething. Now she is like my little leech and doesn't want anyone else ever. Part of that is that I'm still nursing her and she refuses to touch a bottle. But she is still so beautiful and all my worry about having her has been forgotten. I'm so in love with all these perfect little creatures!!

Finally, just wanted to send out another big thank you to the NICU staff who saved our babies lives 2 years ago. I will never forget what you have done for us! Tanya, you are amazing and I'm so thankful that you are still in the babies lives. We look forward to seeing you all at the NICU next week to personally thank you for our children!

Here is a picture of the triplets age 2 (very hard to get a photo of everyone smiling), a recentish picture of Maren, a photo of all of them in their new stroller and a photo of all of them in our bed.


  1. They have enriched all our lives! Each one is special in their own way. You are a great mom!

  2. Yay for two! I have really loved two. Very nervous about three... happy birthday trips!
