Yep, my joy of being 24 weeks was short lived as I ended up in the hospital at around midnight on Friday. Brian was out of town and my friend who was coming to stay ended up not being able to come until the next morning. So I was at home getting ready for bed when I lost a little piece of me that I didn't think I should lose for a very long time (for those who don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't want to). So I called the Ob on call and they told me to come to L&D once again. So I packed up a bag, called my mom and off we went to St. Davids. I had a couple minor contractions but nothing crazy but they still wanted to monitor me overnight to make sure I wasn't in labor. From 3am until I left I didn't even have a single contraction so they were very happy. When morning came they had the on-call perinatalist come in to make sure the babies were still ok and to take a look at my cervix. Turned out it was my favorite MFM doctor and I was very happy to see him. He looked at the babies and they were all doing better than great. They had each grown 5-6oz in 1.5 weeks which is way above normal and their sizes, sacs and placentas were all great. He then looked at my cervix and it measured a 4.37 which is 1.37cm longer than the average for a triplet mom at 24 weeks (even the average for a single baby mom is only a 4 at this stage.) So he told me I was doing great and was handling the triplet pregnancy very well. Ummmmm if that's the case why in the hello kitty am I in the hospital again right? Well he said that losing that piece isn't necessarily a sign of impending labor in a triplet pregnancy and that it can regenerate itself (gross). He said I could still hold these babies for another 10 weeks regardless. However, he also said that every day is a new day in this type of high risk pregnancy and I could also have the babies tomorrow. So with that, they discharged me and put me back to 100% bed rest other than bathroom breaks and a shower every other day, fun.
So, today I am trying to stay happy that these little ones are still cooking and ward off the bed rest blues that are already starting to appear. So any hope, prayers, wishes you have to spare, please send them our way, these babies need every thing they can get!
Baby A - 1lb 9oz
Baby B - 1lb 5 oz
Baby C - 1lb 8 oz
Avg. weight of singleton at 24 weeks - 1lb 3oz
UGH! How frustrating! We will be praying for those little ones to stay in there a little while longer! Let me know if I can do anything!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sara!