Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quick Ella Update

Just wanted to pop in real quick and let you all know that Ella's surgery went just as planned and she is doing just fine. We got to see her right after the surgery and even saw the incision which is tiny. The sedative should wear off by evening although she will be on pain meds for a few days. The next couple of days the doctors said she will be sicker than usual (breathing issue, blood pressure and heart rate drops) but that is completely normal as her body gets used to these "new settings." Depending on how she is doing will determine how long she is on the ventilator. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I will try to write more this evening after I get updates on the other two. Oh...and Claire opened one of her eyes all the way today, it was sooo exciting for me to watch!


  1. So glad this day went well for you. Your world is insane right now, but soon it will be a different kind of insane at home.... I know you can't wait! I can't wait for you!

  2. Thanks Dre, same goes for you! In just a few short months you are going to have identicals at home, thats insane!!

  3. Oh Lindsay, I'm so happy that Ella's surgery went well. How scary though to know that for the next few days you may see lots of issues but knowing in advance should help. I'm sure she'll pull through just fine and be off the ventilator by the end of the weekend. Praying for you always!

  4. Hi Lindsay - glad to hear an update, that the surgery was successful. We'll continue to pray for little Ella's recovery from the surgery.

  5. That's excellent news!! My prayers are still with you though.


  6. I am soo happy to hear that Ella surgery went so well. It hard not to cry tears of joy while reading your blog. Your little ones are truly amazing and strong. I am glad to read that you are finally feeling better and getting to enjoy your children...your a mom now :-) I love it! I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Thank you all so much, she is doing great!!
