The C-section went well and our little girls and boy were brought into this world. The Dr's. were very amazed at their weights (1lb15oz, 1lb11oz & 1lb7oz) and said it was very good for 25 weekers. In addition, they have not needed any ventilation and have been breathing oxygen on their own via cpap which is amazing (so said the doctor). As of this evening they were doing so well, the NICU is giving them a small amount of my colostrum to help even more. The next 72 hours is very important in regards to brain bleeds but at this point they have said the prognosis is very good due to the advanced sizes and lung capability of the babies. They figure that they may still need to be ventilated at some point but aren't too concerned. We are of course nervous but optimistic and trying our bests to believe all of the Dr's and nurses positive outlook. We have named them Ella (1lb15oz - 13 inches) Claire (1lb11oz - 13 inches) & Slade (1lb7oz - 12 inches).
Please keep our little babies in your thoughts that they make it through this crucial time and continue to amaze all the doctors.
These pics are immediately after delivery and are in order by Ella, Slade & Claire. More pics to come now that the babies have been all cleaned up!

Oh my goodness Lindsey, I am amazed that they are here so soon but so happy to read that so far all three are thriving and doing well. They are beautiful miracles and I know they'll do just fine. Keep me posted.