Monday, July 27, 2009

Yeah for an A+ day!

So today we decided it was an A+ day because all the news leaned to the right direction. After two doses of the heart medicine, the Dr. said he could barely hear Ella's murmur anymore and could not hear Slade's murmur at all, yippee! They have one more round of meds tonight and will have another echo cardiogram tomorrow to check and see if its been resolved. Next Slade & Claire are handling their lights being off very well, and its just so awesome to see their little eyes. I just can't wait until their eyes defuse so I can see their little eyelids open and shut, soooo cute! All babies had very few apnea's today although Claire has tuckered out a bit more and her rate was increased by 5, which in the scheme of things is really not a big deal. Being the only one eating due to the heart meds, Claire is creating a name for herself as quite the champion eater and ummmm after eater:) Tomorrow we are hoping the echo's come back with healed hearts, Ellas's lights go off, and all babies begin eating and breathing better and better each day! Way to go babies!

As for me and Brian we also had a good day. To start off I had no fever and was able to visit the babies twice. Brian had to go back to work but was also still able to go visit them. My wonderful sister in law, Amy, babysat me all day so I felt really good (thanks Amy)! At the NICU I noticed that Ellas eye patch had shifted down and when I told the nurse she said, "well reach in there and fix it." Ummmm... little eyes with my big pain pill induced fingers... this shot terror through me but with a steady hand and happy heart I completed my first mom task! I then got to cup her little bottom with my hand to help settle her down and I truly never wanted to leave. Brian had the privilege of seeing Slade yawn which he said was really awesome. So all in all a really great day!

Today I share with you pictures of their diapers vs. that of a regular newborn diaper to show how little they truly are(thanks for the pic Holly). Also here is a picture looking out from our hospital room that I thought was nice. More baby pics are soon to come, just have to figure out how to take them without their lights on now but still not use a flash...


  1. Marylie and Ivan, Patrick, Aaron, Thomas, MichaelJuly 28, 2009 at 5:57 PM

    Happy 1 Week Birthday! The diaper size picture gave us a really good idea of how tiny these special babies are. Even our boys are following the story of these tiny new cousins. You are all in our thoughts and prayers

  2. Thank you for the well wishes and prayers! I'm glad you and the boys are enjoying the blog. If they have any questions, feel free to post them. Hope you are all well! love, lindsay
