Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ella has a Nose!

Yeahhh its official, Ella too has now been moved to the nasal cannula and we have seen a nose! Unfortunately we weren't able to get a picture as we were trying to let her sleep after all the ruckus but we should have one tomorrow during her holding session. Hopefully, she does well on it and doesn't have to go back to the cpap but you never know... She is super cute and has a tiny little nose:)

Claire continues to progress and was all eyes and smiles for her grandpa's visit today. He took some great pictures that I will post soon (dad please email these to me). It funny how they tape her tube really effects how she looks each day. One day she looked a little grumpy, yesterday had chubby cheeks and today looked as if she were smiling every time she moved her mouth.

Slade also is progressing as he has been lowered on his cpap settings. He still has a ways to go before attempting the cannula but each little bit of progress is good news in our eyes. He is tolerating been held very well and has not had any heart rate drops during his holdings over the last few days.

As for us, we are doing well. The process is definitely tiring every day but as they go through these big changes, we get a sigh of relief each successful step. Now I will admit the first 24 hours of Claire on a cannula I felt that I couldn't breath well and now I'm repeating that with Ella. But as the hours wear on, I feel joyful that they are doing so well. In fact the doctor told me yesterday that they were "following the book" on what they like to see preemies do. Their "growth curves" were perfect. Its these kinds of statements that let me sleep a little sounder each night. I will say that as they get bigger though, I think its going to be harder and harder to leave them each night. Tomorrow I see my doctor to see if I've regenerated all my missing blood and to get the A OK to go swimming with my nieces, yippee!! Afterwards, I meet with the babies recreational therapist to learn how to stretch the babies since they lay there most of the day. "Baby Yoga" is what they call it:)


  1. A "recreational therapist"? I didn't know that was a job title. Stupid high school career counselors. Stupid job selling software. Grumble cakes!

    Wait, isn't Drunk Joe a "recreational therapist"?

  2. Ohhh I meant "occupational therapist." But still a cool job, doing yoga on babies!
