Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chow Time

Well today I finally have an update as nothing really new has happened until today. Today Ella has been increased to 4 bottles per day, so she is halfway there! It should go a little quicker now as she is getting the motion of suck, swallow, breathe down. Slade & Claire have also been increased up to 2 bottles per day each. They haven't really finished 1 per day but the doctor wants to give them each another opportunity per day where maybe they are a little more awake. Hopefully this way, they will at least be able to get a little more practice.

The nursing has been interesting as well. Claire actually does better at it than Ella but it will take awhile until they are pros. Its not as natural of a process for me as missing out on 2 months and then having babies that don't really "get it" makes things kind of weird. Oh and having the lactation nurse, the student she is teaching, a nurse and my sister in law all "helping" is a little strange as well. But as strange as it may seem, I'm enjoying learning from the lactation lady and hope that one day the babies catch on. If they don't, I'm a little concerned that I won't have the energy to bottle feed and pump once they come home...a girl has to sleep sometime!

1 comment:

  1. The babies are doing great. They will get nursing. I was nervous about mine not getting it because when I was practice nursing it was hard. When I went to actual nursing the lactation consultant gave me a breast sheild for all three babies and they all took to it right away. Now if the babies are awake they latch on really good. I have even been able to tadem nurse the girls. It just takes time.
