Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where did all that hair come from? (+ 2 Videos)

All three babies once again are thankfully doing well. The only real concern we have right now is that Slade continues to have too many apnea's (breathing pauses). They have tried several different methods of fixing this and are not sure why he is having them. To be on the safe side they have did a blood culture and have sent it off to check for infection. Just in case, they have also started him on antibiotics. The Dr. tells me he doubts this is the case since he doesn't have any of the other attributes of a sick baby like fever, inactivity, or skin discoloration but they would rather be proactive. The other possibility is that he is low on blood due to so many tests so they are giving him some extra of that as well. We will find out tomorrow evening regarding the culture and hopefully these extra apnea's are just due to too little blood rather than an infection.

Ella is doing well and no issues thus far from her surgery, yippee! She is still on the ventilator and they will take her off as soon as she is ready, she's getting closer and closer each day. One of her little eyes popped open today so now I've seen one of each babies eyes which is so neat, I love progress! They have upped Ella's feedings to 1cc every 3 hours so hopefully she will start growing fatter and fatter real soon! Oh and we've decided that she definitely has my side of the families ears while Slade is a Milligan in that department as well as several others.

Claire too is doing great and received a little extra blood today to keep up with the amount they take out for testing. She was doing so well on her 1cc that they are now feeding her 2cc's every three hours. She still is on a rate of 30 on her cpap machine although I am hoping they reduce that soon as she seems to be having less and less apnea's.

All in all we are very happy with their progress, they seem to be right on track. However, while every day seems too short for Brian and I to get everything done and visit them enough, the days can't go by fast enough for them to get bigger.

Today the NICU was extra full and it was really sad to see so many sick babies. Being that they are the largest level 3 NICU in Texas they often get quite busy and today was no exception. They had several babies flown in from other cities, one that is just so small. Seriously, this baby makes our trio look full grown, so sad. In our room of babies (room 4, there are 7 rooms total), every bed was full and it was hard to watch so many couples at the bedsides of their babies, some crying and some just staring. I didn't realize how hard it would be to see all the other babies and the raw emotions that they induced in their families. Also, the difficulty when one baby you were used to seeing is suddenly no longer there and your not quite sure what the scenario is and you cannot ask. And while it makes me so sad, it makes me also so grateful that while our babies are small, they are thankfully healthy and not sick like so many of the other babies. So so grateful!

Below are videos of Ella with her hat off so you can see a full head of head (looks brown to me but the nurses say she'll definitely be a blond.) Also, is a funny video of Slade with a super tiny pacifier in his mouth that pretty much covers his whole face...oh and you can see his little foot in this video too!


  1. You'll have to save those paci's so they can see how small they were when you tell them the story of their birth. :)
