Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another Beautiful Day...

Today was another beautiful day. It was Sylvester Stallone's birthday, Jamaican independence day, and even more relevant and important in our world, Brian got to hold one of his daughters for the first time. It was a beautiful sight and both parties were very pleased. You could see this on Brian's face and you could tell this from Ella's "reaction" monitors. The doctor warned us to not get to high with the highs but when you have a few days in a row like this, its hard to not get too excited and think that the next three months are going to go exactly the same. I suppose this is the reason why the low days are soooo very low. But our hopes are high that these types of days will continue. Last night only Claire had a single apnea (see def. page) and today it was just Slade with a few. Ella hasn't had a single breathing or heart issue since the 29th of July. Slowly but surely I feel they are learning to breath and this is so refreshing, however I know they can tucker out and need more help again at any time. In addition, all babies grew an ounce and their feedings were increased to 10cc (10ml) per 3hr. feeding. We shall sleep well tonight with yet another day of good news to keep us going...


  1. Little Ella's like, "Get that camera out of here, I haven't done my makeup!" Ha. Brian looks so happy, I can't wait to hold them!

  2. Thanks! Yeah Kira, Brian said she hated having her picture taken as much as he does:)

  3. Oh look, Kira's reading a blog. Isn't that cute. Hey, what's this over in the right hand margin? A blog that Lindsay likes? Something about sailing? Who goes sailing?
